"To devote oneself to or undertake an activity earnestly or wholeheartedly"
"Begin with vigor"
"A leap or dive as into water"
...are among the many very interesting explanations I came across when I chose to define what I am stating with this blog entry.
I will be honest, the title of this blog opened up many thoughts once I pinned down the title and started to research the deeper meaning of "plunge". It became extremely relevant, inspiring, symbolic, appropriate (and even prophetic if I may).
I first chose the title with water in mind, and the liberating privilege we have in modern days, for almost anybody being able to take a camera into the water. With action camera technology, such as Go Pro, we can bring to the rest of the world an environment that few get to experience and engage in.
Then I realized the deeper meaning of the word plunge. I always knew it is used in many other contexts, but when I saw it being written, I related with so much more of its meaning.
I have "plunged" into photography with far more than just a waterproof camera. I began with vigor to devote myself earnestly and wholeheartedly, undertaking the activity of photography. Specifically in the realm where athletes, people of ever day life, also devote themselves to what they are passionate about.
I appreciate the symbiotic relationship there exist, almost spontaneously, when you enter into an unconventional "arena" to photograph. The ocean, a dusty, dry dirt bike track or hanging of the edge of a cliff (yet to do a proper photo shoot for mountaineering but it is in the portfolio)
There is an appreciation and understanding between athlete and photographer when you are out there with them, fighting the same currents, inhaling the same dust so to speak. I believe it is the level of engagement that influence the outcome of the photo. It layers the image with authenticity. If for example the rip current is so strong that you simply can not get closer to the surf zone, the subject becomes remote in the image and the body mass of water dominates the seascape.
The elements often determine the outcome
For the most part, I have plunged into a whole new learning curve and that is exciting. With that comes growth. Growth equips you. Being equipped, enables us to invest in other people to reach for their dreams.
Father and son