October has been an eventful month in Rafaela, Argentina and much of the cultural highlights have taken place at DEL MUSEO"DR.URBANO POGGI". A beautifully restored heritage building that has served the city in multiple purposes and now, rightfully so, a magnificent art gallery and in collaboration with Foto Cine Club Rafaela also exibits alteranting photographic work, a library and classes in various art disciplines.
A more recent introduction was an exhibition resulting from a national competition for artists, or painters more specifically. Artistically a great success and inspirational work delivered.
My attendance was both as photographer and appreciator of art alike. My intention to get photo journalistic photos involved including photographers in the photos to tell the story of the event. There was an advantage to that, a) I was certain to get angle of view that the other photographers might not have at that moment and b) it ads drama to my images as in the photo below.
I did not want to use flash myself but worked around some creative effects when the others did. The above image was taken in sequence to ensure I get that one frame where flashes fire towards me.
Mayor of the city and head of culture and art
It is liberating to become confident and comfortable with your equipment. It reduces the amount of time spent fiddling with dials and buttons and you are more "available" for moments, like this one above, when leading people of the event deliberately offer you an opportunity to capture a moment about them, which from where I was standing and what they are busy presenting, there was no way I could ask this gentleman to "please, can you look at the camera again for me? And hold it till I get the right settings on my camera please".
There is really good art to be seen right now if you are in the area. It is worth your time and the enthusiasm from public enables DEL MUSEO"DR.URBANO POGGI" to bring us some great work in the future.