Bright, sunny afternoons can be all you want for a relaxing fun day out. Unless... you are a photographer.
Now, I am not quantifying light by "good" or "bad" light. Bright, hard light was just not suitable for what I was trying to represent through my photos this day. Fortunate to enjoy the performance while waiting patiently for clouds to "soft box" my only light source, I would jump straight back into action to capture some frames. The band members directly faced the sun which can be harsh. The clouds helped and I further "softened" the overall amount of light in the photos by composing most of my photos on the shadow side of my subjects.
This allowed me to use very small aperture values for portrait type photos which the band members enjoyed and appreciated (Tip: They serve well as profile photos on social media which people update constantly and can provide good publicity If they select your work for this purpose). I tried to capture something more about the actual event of a music performance than just "a band performing and playing music" and included various elements combined with the "expected" repertoire.
Musicians are often passionate and proud of their equipment and instruments. Part of what I wanted to offer them is to capture that, it does not go by unnoticed. Not only did it provide me with very nice details to photograph, the audience take you more serious as an up and coming band.
Another "behind the scenes essential" is most probably the team behind all the wonderful entertainment up on stage. Of all the photos taken this day, the sound technician expressed the greatest appreciation for capturing him in action. These people have a business to run as well and more often than not, for all their hard work they hardly receive any publicity. When capturing an event, to represent the whole story, it is not a bad idea to do so with all the characters involved.
An art form in itself